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Carer and her childWe support the parents and carers of children and young people who would like information, advice and support (IAS) relating to Special Educational Needs (SEN) law, policy and practice.

The IAS that we offer is impartial and confidential. While we are funded by Lambeth Council we operate at “arms-length” from other local authority services. This means that unless we have child protection concerns we will not tell other services about our discussions with you unless you want us to. For more information, see our confidentiality policy and impartiality policy

The IAS we provide is varied and it depends on the personal circumstances of your child, but it might include:


Information on:

  • The law around SEN
  • The Lambeth Local Offer
  • Local early-years settings, schools, colleges and other post-16 provision
  • Mediation, SEND Tribunal hearings and dispute resolution


Advice about:

  • Gathering and understanding information
  • How to get the best from a meeting
  • How other organisations might be able to help
  • Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)


Support with:

  • Preparing for and attending meetings
  • Writing letters
  • Understanding reports
  • EHCP applications and annual reviews


However, we can help in many more ways than those listed above. You can find out key information by clicking the links to our information pages below. If you can’t find the information you need or if you would like to find out more about us, we encourage you to get in touch.